Frequencies of Light: Captured in a Bottle for Radiant Skin
Can you capture sunlight in a bottle? We say, “Yes!” When we set out to create AZ Naturally, we took into consideration everything that nature provides for us. Nature nourishes the planet and gives us everything we need to be healthy. We thought, “How Can We Bottle Nature?” Well, we figured out just how to do that…. Green plants use sunlight to make foods from carbon dioxide and water. The chlorophyll in plants generate oxygen as a by-product — PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
So, what does that mean for AZ Naturally? We realize that our skin care line is made from plants that are created by sunlight, providing the skin with the frequencies of the sun’s spectrum that are not only healing but carry out various activities in our bodies. How cool is that?!!
We like to call our line of products “Food for the Skin” as they nourish the skin (our largest organ) and create a sense of satisfaction.
As many skincare products are made from unnatural ingredients, one has to be selective when making purchases that are going to be used on the skin. Reading ingredients is a wise choice when you’re deciding what to put on your skin. Many chemicals, toxins, GMO’s, etc. are in many of the products on the market. When you put these products on the skin, you are doing your body a disservice. These chemicals change the composition of the natural oils prevalent in plants and animals (tallow) and create products that are not only harmful to the skin but penetrate into the bloodstream which is not desirable.
We say, “Choose your skincare products wisely just as you would your food because it actually IS food.”
To your skin’s health,